Thursday, May 21, 2015

Properties of Metals - thermal expansion and thermostats

Today we were investigating properties of metals. We looked at the classic properties of metals first. Metals are:
  •  Lustrous - shiny when polished or freshly cut 
  • Flexible - they bend before breaking, when hit. 
  • Ductile - they can be drawn into wires 
  • Malleable - can be hammered into sheets 
  • Sonorous - make a ringing sound when hit, rather than a dull thud. 
  • Electrical conductors - electricity can flow through them 
  • Thermal conductors - energy can flow through them, causing heating. 
We talked about a few possible exceptions to these. Mercury is a liquid at room temperature, so it can’t be sonorous. Maybe if we cooled it until it became a solid, it would be.

Things to look at:

BBC Bitesize Properties of Metals

 Quizlet - quick quiz on properties of metals to revise .

Electrical Conductivity